Planungskompendium Energieverteilung:Syntax/Images
This wiki is using templates for images in "Figures", to facilitate and standardize the specific formating of these figures, as shown below
Image as a figure, with frame and title
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|<fig-num>|<fig-title>}} example: {{FigImage|DB422002_DE|svg|A11|Application du facteur de simultanéité (ks) à un immeuble de 4 étages + rez-de-chaussée (correspondant à la norme NF C 14-100)}}
- <fig-ID> is like: DB422001 (= image file name, without the file extension)
- <fig-extension> is like: svg, jpg ...
- <fig-num> is like: A11, B42a ...
- <fig-title> is like: Application of the diversity factor (ks) to an apartment block of 5 storeys
nota: <fig-title> normally is just text, and does not include any formatting, unless it is required, like to add a link inside the title. Example:
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|A11|Circuit-breaker type '''[http://www.xxxxxxx Masterpact]''' from Schneider-Electric}}
Image as a figure also including textual NOTES/LEGEND
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|<fig-num>|<fig-title>| add figure notes here ...<br> ... more }} example: {{ FigImage|DB422002_DE|svg|A11|Application du facteur de simultanéité (ks) à un immeuble de 4 étages + rez-de-chaussée (correspondant à la norme NF C 14-100)| add figure notes here ...<br> ... more }}
Important: adding an empty line in figure notes will NOT start a new paragraph. Add <nowikik>
</nowiki> at the end of the previous line to add a page break.
Image without frame and title
That's used for (small) images included in tables, or for inline images, directly in the text (rare)
[[File:<image-name-with-extension>]] example: [[File:Pen-icon.png]]
Giving for exemple, if integrated in a small table:
table header | header 2 |
![]() |
This icon is a pen icon |